MyData Case: Digital employment and life-long learning: The Reliable Worker

Organisation: Vastuu Group

Country: Finland

Domain: Construction industry

Target group:

  • Construction industry
  • Labour unions
  • Recruitment Service Providers
  • Students
  • First Finland, then other countries and industries

Keywords: Recruitment, life-long learning, digital employment, MyData Wallet

Contact: Petri Tuomela, Jami Haavisto

Relevant links:

Case description

Using MyData in life-long learning and job seeking or recruiting.

The case strives to make job-seeking and recruiting processes as smooth and easy as possible. It’s gathering reliable data from different sources and using it to create a profile, a digital CV, for recruiting.

The Reliable Worker is part of the Digital Employment project stemming from an ecosystem combining many fields of business thus creating a holistic multilevel collaboration across verticals.

Value proposition

  • Currently: A big extensive network of 300-400 people from 150 organisations.
  • First recruiting process in the world where applicants are using their own MyData via consent.
  • Not competing with competitors, but encouraging to work better together.
  • Solving challenges that no one else is solving at the moment.
  • “We are going to change the recruitment system”


Business: As an employer, it takes a lot of time to attract good candidates and check their information. A lot of effort is needed to write job ads, choose the right platforms and find suitable people. Not everyone uploads their information to recruiting sites as the forms are too complicated.

Legal: Are the workers' certificates up-to-date? Does the service have people's consent to use the data?

Technical: Recruitment services are scattered, data is not portable and there are different entry forms in every recruitment service.

Societal: It's hard for the job seeker to recognise their strengths and skills and put them into words. It's also difficult to find out what to develop to be more attractive in the market. They don't know where to get all the beneficial data and how to use them in multiple places.

Overall: Too many services and registers collect data that is not usable. How to give access and let people use their own data?


Business: Using the MyData approach time spent on recruiting is reduced by 30-40%.

Legal: It includes legally verified certificates and permits.

Technical: MyData Wallet manages data like consents easily and can be used for sharing of individuals' profiles.

Societal: Bringing the available tools visible. Easier processes for employment issues. Open data sources and speed up integrations.

Overall: Leading, facilitating and workshopping the network. Identifying and solving problems together. Helping us find each other.


MyData Principles

Principle 1. Human-centric control of personal data

Principle 2. Individual as the point of integration

Principle 3. Individual empowerment

Principle 4. Portability: access and re-use

Principle 5. Transparency and accountability

Principle 6.  Interoperability

Most developed principles

Principle 1: MyData and human-centric data control at the heart of the pilot. Good feedback from meetings with students to identify issues and test the system.

Principle 2: Changing the thinking that data in recruitment platforms is actually the job seekers data, not owned by the business. The data transfer happens only if the user consents and initiates the integration.

More challenging principles

Principle 3: This is how GDPR should be done: People to have control of their own data. To make this a really empowering use case, there is a need for more data sources.

Principle 4: Goals: Changes in the legislation for easy data portability. The logic for data re-use is in place.

Principle 5: Goals: To identify what data do the recruiters really need. In the pilot phase the monitoring, alerting and statics features are still under-developed.

Principle 6: Goals: To get public sector data sources on board, get the data to move from different services. The pilot is more of a PoC, now we need ecosystem-level use-cases to prove true interoperability.

Data types used  

  • Certificates – (from external data source)
  • Driver license certificates – (from external  data source
  • Work history
  • Education
  • Needs for job search
  • Skills
  • Language skills

How can the MyData community help you reach your goals?

  1. Help us create a snowball effect by showing the companies how valuable this is.
  2. Support us to enforce that this is how GDPR should be, that people are in control of their own data.
  3. Expanding from Finland: Help to reach more visibility in other countries and support to find partners who are doing or planning something similar.

Video presentation (in Finnish): The impact of networking in promoting digital employment


Case in the MyData Case Library