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MyData Declaration
Declaration in English
Declaration in Catalan
Declaration in Chinese (traditional, Hong Kong)
Declaration in Chinese (traditional, Taiwan)
Declaration in Chinese (simplified)
Declaration in French
Declaration in German
Declaration in Greek
Declaration in Hungarian
Declaration in Italian
Declaration in Japanese
Declaration in Korean
Declaration in Slovakian
Declaration in Slovenian
Declaration in Spanish
Declaration in Swedish
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MyData4Pandemics – learning from COVID-19
State of MyData 2021
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MyData 2020 Conference
MyData 2019 Conference
MyData 2018 Conference
MyData 2017 Conference
MyData 2016 Conference
Community meetings
Amsterdam Community Meeting 2021
Athens Community Meeting 2019
Edinburgh Community Meeting 2019
Lyon Meetup
Torino Meetup
Aarhus Meetup
MyData Global Organisation – General Meetings
Contact us
MyData Global Organisation
Organisation members
Get involved
Become a member
Local Hubs
Thematic Groups
Join our Slack
Subscribe to the newsletter
Human-centric companies and cities for the recovery of Uusimaa
H3C Training
H3C Rulebook
H3C Learning circle
H3C Consultations
H3C EU funding
H3C Networking
Expression of interest for H3C activities
MyData Declaration
Declaration in English
Declaration in Catalan
Declaration in Chinese (traditional, Hong Kong)
Declaration in Chinese (traditional, Taiwan)
Declaration in Chinese (simplified)
Declaration in French
Declaration in German
Declaration in Greek
Declaration in Hungarian
Declaration in Italian
Declaration in Japanese
Declaration in Korean
Declaration in Slovakian
Declaration in Slovenian
Declaration in Spanish
Declaration in Swedish
Case Library
White papers
MyData Operators
Future of Work & Skills
MyData4Pandemics – learning from COVID-19
State of MyData 2021
Community Resources
Style Guide
MyData conferences
MyData 2020 Conference
MyData 2019 Conference
MyData 2018 Conference
MyData 2017 Conference
MyData 2016 Conference
Community meetings
Amsterdam Community Meeting 2021
Athens Community Meeting 2019
Edinburgh Community Meeting 2019
Lyon Meetup
Torino Meetup
Aarhus Meetup
MyData Global Organisation – General Meetings
Contact us
Your feedback on the
Aarhus Memorandum
& availability in the next Global Meetups
Your name
Email (optional)
Aarhus Memorandum
Your feedback on the Aarhus Memorandum is highly valuable for developing further steps of the MyData movement. Please add your comments on the three decisions taken in the 6th meeting in Aarhus below.
Decision 1: Legal entity by MyData 2018 - incorporated
Decision 2: Formalising the hubs and the services that the MyData Network offers to them
Decision 3: Use Cases & Standardisation as a priority action
Next MyData Global Network Meetups:
7th meeting in April 2018
Would you participate in the next MyData Global meetup which is planned to take place in Torino, Italy on 12-13. April 2018?
During the Turin meeting, we aim to have a first draft of the roadmap for establishing a legal entity as well as for the priority actions (chosen in Aarhus).
I do my best to be there!
Depends on the programme (please comment below)
Probably not
I would like to, but the dates are not good (please comment below)
8th meeting in June 2018
Would you participate in the 8th MyData Global meetup which is planned to take place in Paris in June 2018?
During the June meeting, we aim to finalise the plan for establishing a legal entity.
I do my best to be there!
Depends on the programme (please comment below)
Probably not
I would like to, but the dates are not good (please comment below)