Human-centric companies and cities

Learning circle on rulebook for exchanging and sharing the data between organisations (OmaData rulebook)

The OmaData rulebook defines the legal, business, technical and administrative rules that organisations need to comply with when sharing data in a data network.

The rulebook creates a framework for new data networks in which data can be shared more freely, transparently and safely, between people, cities and businesses. The learning circle describes this in practice – how can companies get started to utilise data from various sources (incl. cities and other businesses).

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Who’s it for?

Experts at companies and cities (e.g. Data Protection Officers or Data management professionals), who want to make sure the legal frameworks for using data are in place and efficient.

Time commitment

Approximately 4 x 2 hour sessions and some exercises (0-2 hours) in-between sessions to make learning applicable in own organisation


  • Nov/2021-Feb/2022


15 people / 6 organisations

Submit your expression of interest