Board and Steering Committee elections in 2021

The application form for the leadership elections is now closed. The elections will take place during the Autumn General Meeting on 4 November 2021. More information below and at

Please note that according to the Finnish law and MyData Global bylaws, all members of MyData Global are eligible to run for the leadership up to the general meeting on 4 Nov. The application phase was set up to assure sufficient time for campaigning, so that the membership can get to know the candidates and their views. If you have missed the deadline, but wish to run for the Board and/or Steering Committee, please get in touch with 

Below you will find the profiles of the candidates for the leadership positions

Please note that applicants that indicated their wish to run for the leadership position after the application form was closed have been only added to the slidedeck with their main profile. To learn more about their motivation to run, thoughts and aspirations for 2022 and other relevant information, please reach out to them in the MyData Global Slack channel – #leadership-elections.

Background information & Candidates

Currently, in 2021, MyData Global has an international leadership team consisting of seven Board members, four Steering Committee members, and five permanent Staff members.

We expect to have open positions in the leadership team as follows:

  • Up to seven candidates as Directors to the Board
  • Two candidates as individual member representatives to the Steering Committee
  • Two candidates as organisation member representatives to the Steering Committee

Those elected for the first-time to MyData Global’s leadership team will begin their term Jan 1st, 2022.

The Board of Directors and the Steering Committee have distinct roles in leadership as defined in the association bylaws.

The continuing board members are:

  • Charlie Martial Ngounou (Cameroon)
  • Christoph Fabianek (Austria)
  • Dixon Siu (Japan)

Any questions about your candidacy or the election process are welcome. Please reach out to Sille Sepp, Programmes lead, at sille at mydata dot org.


Sep 7th
(58 days before the elections):
Candidate form opens. After submitting your candidacy, you can add more details to your candidate profile until Oct 3rd

Sep 20th (23:59:00 HST (UTC -10h) / Sep 21st (12:59:00 (UTC +0)
Candidate form closes at the end of the day.

Oct 5th
(30 days before the elections):
Final candidate list and profiles will be sent for the members providing 30 days time for members to get to know candidates better.

Nov 4th – Nov 7th
(Autumn General Meeting – online):
72 hour online voting period.

Nov 8th
The autumn general meeting resumes in Zoom and the election results are announced.

Who can Candidate

Requirements and preferences

All candidates for the board must be individual members of the Association. In the Steering Committee there are two positions for the individual members and two positions for organisational members. If you are unsure of your membership status, please contact sille at mydata dot org

We are looking for candidates with varied backgrounds of expertise and personal networks that can help the organisation succeed. Leadership positions in international teams are professionally and personally very rewarding experiences and we hope that serving on the MyData Global Board and Steering Committee will be especially so.

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What it means to be a member of the Board

The activities of the MyData Global association are managed by its Board of Directors. Board membership is an unique opportunity to be involved in shaping a young and growing global nonprofit and helping it become an impactful actor in society globally. The current Board members have defined their role in this document

What it means to be a member of the Steering Committee

Purpose of the Steering Committee is to help provide good governance in the Association. Steering Committee assists the Board in its oversight, conducts the annual performance audit and recruits candidates for the next Board and Steering Committee. These governance duties contribute to the wellbeing of the organisation and give Steering Committee members good visibility to the global organisation. The current Steering Committee members have defined their role in this document –

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Time commitment

The Board of Directors and the Steering Committee each meet online monthly and in person during the bigger MyData events if possible. Board and Steering Committee members also participate in the local hubs, thematic groups and other activities of the Association.

There is no direct monetary compensation for the Board or Steering Committee members, but depending on the Association’s financial situation we intend to cover travel costs to the face-to-face leadership team meetings at least once a year.

Estimated commitment of time

Board members

  • Board members elected in 2021 begin 1 Jan 2022 a two-year term during 2022-2023 after which they can stand for re-election.
  • Monthly board meetings (2h) and preparation (1h), total 3h per month
  • One-to-one discussions with the chair of the board, 0,5-1h per month
  • Following and contributing to MyData Global developments on a weekly basis (1h), total 4h per month
  • Participation in general meetings (spring and autumn), MyData conferences, and smaller local meetups, total from few days to 1,5 weeks per year.

Steering Committee

  • Steering Committee members elected in 2021 begin a one-year term on 1 Jan 2022 after which they may stand for re-election
  • Monthly Steering Committee meetings (1.25h) and preparation (1h), total 2.25h per month
  • Following and contributing to MyData Global developments on a weekly basis (1h), total 4h per month
  • Participation in general meetings (spring and autumn), MyData conferences, and smaller local meetups, total from few days to 1,5 weeks per year.

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