We want to see the concept of data spaces turning into reality. We want to see functional data spaces flourish. Many of you will be involved in building data spaces in the future. We want you to succeed!
→ We want that great people and ideas find their ways to consortia and succeed in getting the necessary resources.
→ so… we want to get connected with you so that we can facilitate also in the future the community of practice around data spaces.
→ so… we want that you find the existing resources, when planning your data space and writing funding proposals.
→ so… we want to promote some guiding principles that we believe are important for the impact of the data spaces: interoperability, human-centricity, data sovereignty.
This Data Spaces Resources Library has been created to support stakeholders in understanding Data Spaces better and help them prepare successful proposals for the upcoming funding calls.
See introduction to the Data Spaces Resources Library, presented by Marko Turpeinen at the Data Spaces Launchpad event on 10 December 2021.
In case you have any questions about the Resources Library, please reach out to hello@mydata.org
We appreciate any further contributions to this library!