Code of Conduct


MyData Global organisation and its international network operate on the basis of trust, which is actively built by weaving the key guiding principles into all of our interactions. 

It is of utmost importance that all people feel safe to participate, introduce new ideas, and inspire others in the MyData activities, regardless of their:

  • Background
  • Family status
  • Gender identity or expression
  • Marital status
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation
  • Native language
  • Age
  • Ability
  • Race and/or ethnicity
  • Nationality or national origin
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Religion
  • Geographic location
  • Experience
  • Any other dimension of diversity

The following Code of Conduct aims to clarify the expected behavior in all MyData activities online and offline, by defining the unacceptable behaviours as well as the consequences of misconduct. The scope of the Code of Conduct covers all activity of the Association and the Myand includes, but is not limited to:

  • Participating in our online communication spaces, including Slack and social media
  • Participating in MyData events and in-person spaces
  • Working with other people in the MyData community
  • Harmful conduct regarding Intellectual Property protection

Expected behaviour follows the MyData Global Guiding Principles

Unacceptable behavior towards people and organisations in the MyData community

The following behaviors are considered to be unacceptable under these guidelines.

  • Violence and Threats of Violence
    This includes incitement of violence toward any individual, including encouraging a person to commit self-harm. This also includes posting or threatening to post other people’s personally identifying information (“doxxing”) online.
  • Attacks on people or organisations
    It is not okay to insult, demean, or belittle others. Discussions should be conducted respectfully and professionally, remaining focused on the issue at hand.
  • Spreading of false information
    False statements should not be made, and in the event of such, should be promptly corrected and apologised for.
  • Derogatory Language
    Hurtful or harmful language related to:
  • Background
  • Family status
  • Gender
  • Gender identity or expression
  • Marital status
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation
  • Native language
  • Age
  • Ability
  • Race and/or ethnicity
  • National origin
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Religion
  • Geographic location
  • Other attributes

…is not acceptable. This includes deliberately referring to someone by a gender that they do not identify with, and/or questioning the legitimacy of an individual’s gender identity. This also includes repeated subtle and/or indirect discrimination.

  • Unwelcome Sexual Attention or Physical Contact This includes sexualized comments, sexual jokes, or imagery in interactions and communications, as well as sexual advances, touching a person without permission, or physically blocking or intimidating another person. Sexualized images or text that is unnecessary for a discussion is never appropriate.
  • Disruptive Behavior Sustained disruption is not acceptable. This includes “talking over” or “heckling” individuals, disruptive use of communications channels, and encouraging others to engage in unacceptable behavior.

Unacceptable behavior towards MyData Global

  • Harmful conduct regarding Intellectual Property protection: filing for any intellectual property protections that may conflict with the ability of the MyData Global organisation (the Association) to file for intellectual property in that jurisdiction is considered to be behaviour contrary to the collective interest of the Association. This is grounds for denying approval of membership applications, and for the expulsion of existing members.
  • Unapproved usage of MyData Global names, logos, works, or images: using the names, logos, works, or images of MyData Global in ways against the Branding regulations and related guidance (like the Style guide and Publications guide) may be considered behaviour unacceptable to the collective interest of the Association. 

Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior

Unacceptable behavior from anybody engaging in the MyData activities, including those with decision-making authority, will not be tolerated. Intentional efforts to exclude people (except as part of a consequence of the guidelines or other official action) from MyData activities are not acceptable and will be dealt with appropriately.

Reports of harassment/discrimination will be promptly and thoroughly investigated by the people responsible for the safety of the space, event, or activity. Appropriate measures will be taken to address the situation.

Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately. Violation of these guidelines can result in you being asked to leave an event or online space, either temporarily or for the duration of the event, or being banned from participation in spaces, or future events and activities in perpetuity. Unacceptable behavior can 

MyData Global Staff is held accountable to these guidelines. MyData Global staff in violation of these guidelines may be subject to further consequences, such as disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. For contractors or vendors, violation of these guidelines may affect the continuation or renewal of the contract.

In addition, any participants who abuse the reporting process will be considered to be in violation of these guidelines and subject to the same consequences. False reporting, especially to retaliate or exclude, will not be accepted or tolerated.

Unacceptable behavior or the failure to correct such behavior upon notice may constitute grounds for denying approval of membership application and for expulsion of existing members, as stated in the Bylaws 3.4:

The Board may to suspend or expel a member for violation of these bylaws, violation of the Association’s internal regulations, action against the purpose of the Association, behaviour contrary to the purpose or collective interest of the Association, or action that brings the Association into disrepute. Suspension and expulsion from the Association will take immediate effect after the decision to suspend or expel.”

Reporting and resolving unacceptable behavior

If you believe you’re experiencing unacceptable behavior that will not be tolerated as outlined above, please report to:

  1. the responsible person at the respective event or online space (Slack channel or similar) and/or
  2. MyData Global staff via 

After receiving a concise report, the responsible person(s) will review and determine the next steps:

“1st tier” at staff level (together with the responsible person of the TG/hub/channel moderator/event host/etc.). 

“2nd tier” Steering Group. They will involve other colleagues (staff/steering group) or outside specialists (such as mediation, legal counsel, etc.) as needed to appropriately address each situation.

“3rd tier” Board: decisions for things like expulsion are board decisions (based on our bylaws)

Once an incident has been investigated and a decision has been communicated to the relevant parties, all have the opportunity to appeal this decision by sending an email to

If you observe a potentially dangerous situation, someone in distress, or violations of these guidelines, even if the situation is not happening to you, please report about such situations.  Let’s take care of each other!

MyData Spaces

Each physical or virtual MyData space shall have a designated contact:

  • By default, any physical and online meeting (e.g. conference call, Slack channel) is safeguarded by the host of the meeting

By default, all violations of Code of Conduct that occurred in virtual spaces like Slack discussions or interactions in Google Docs commentary are handled by a MyData Global staff member via

MyData Events

All MyData events will have designated a specific safety guideline with emergency and anti-abuse contacts at the event as well as online, whenever possible. These contacts will be posted prominently throughout the event and in print and online materials. Event leaders are requested to speak at the event about the guidelines and to ask participants to review and agree to them when they sign up for the event.