Aarhus Meetup

November 23rd–24th 2017

Venue: INCUBA, room: basement
Aabogade 15 DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark


The MyData Community Meeting is open to all the organizations that are taking an active role in the personal data ecosystem, whether companies providing solutions or research institutes, regulatory bodies or not-for profit organizations. Feel free to pass this invitation to relevant people.


The event starts with pre-meetings at 3PM on Thursday Nov. 23rd and officially for everybody at 5PM.
On Friday (the main day) we will workshop productively until 4PM.


Let’s travel together! If you fly to Copenhagen on Thursday, you can catch the same train with MyData2018 conference team and use the 3,5 hour ride for some MyData talk. The direct train to Aarhus is leaving from Copenhagen airport at 10.38 and Copenhagen train station at 11.00

If you’re staying in Aarhus for the Friday night, join the MyData conf team for dinner in town.


Practical information


INCUBA, room: basement
Aabogade 15 DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark

Hotels Near the Venue

Aarhus Guldsmeden Hotels – CABINN Aarhus – Comwell Aarhus – Villa Provence and Hotel Ritz


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